Monday, November 21, 2011

Foam Ornaments

This weekend I helped my two year old make her first Christmas ornaments. We are planning to put our tree up this week and I wanted her to have some ornaments that she had made herself to put on the tree. So I rummaged through my craft box and found some foam, buttons, and ribbons, and we got creative.

There are several foam ornament kits that you can purchase. Of course this is much simpler but I love tyring to create something with the materials you have. I want to encourage creativity in my daughter and we had so much fun trying to decide what would make a good snowman scarf, arms, etc.

Ornament #1 - Christmas Tree

I started with a 4x6 piece of green foam and sketched a Christmas tree on it, drawing a circle at the top of the tree so I could punch a hole at the top. You don't have to be an artist to do this! As long as you can draw a triangle, you can draw a tree! If your children are older they can even do this themselves.
Next, punch a hole in the top.

Now the fun part! Give you child a selection of buttons and let them glue the "ornaments" on the tree.

She had so much fun doing this and ended up with a pretty cute tree! Tie a string or ribbon through the top and you are finished!

Ornament #2 - Snowman

For our snowman I used my circle punch to cut out three circles from white foam. If you don't have a circle punch you could always draw the circles yourself- this was just quick and easy!

We used toothpicks for the arms, ribbon for the scarf, and buttons for the eyes. The hat and nose are both foam pieces as well. My two year old needed more help with this one but she loved helping me choose the ribbon and buttons and colors to use.

So simple and fun! Now we just need a tree!

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