Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thankful Thursdays

I love the month of November. I love the fall colors, crisp air, yummy foods, and of course the best part is ending the month with Thanksgiving. I love the idea of spending not only Thanksgiving day, but the entire month reflecting on the things you are thankful for. So I decided that this year I'm going to create a jar, where each day I can jot down one thing I am thankfull for and place inside the jar. Now I'm sure there will be days where I forget, quite possibly more days that I will forget than remember, but this seems like a nice goal to have.
So I simply took an old vase, wrapped a ribbon around it and I'm placing this in my kitchen because I spend a large part of my day there. I think if nothing else the vase will be a daily reminder to slow down and be thankful for the little things in life.

So what am I thankful for today? Simple. The fact that I am able to stay home with my sweet children each day. I never knew how much I would enjoy this. Now it is definitely not easy! When both of them are screaming and the house looks like it was hit by a tornado, I feel like pulling my hair out. Some days I think I want to go back to work! Or simply just get out of the house! Or have an adult conversation during the daytime hours!

 But I wouldn't trade these small moments for anything. The moments when I hear those little voices waking up and calling momma, the moments when we all pile into my bed in our pajamas, the time spent reading stories, singing songs, and laughing together. My favorite part of staying home is the time to spend savoring the little things.

 Now I'm not at all a stay at home kind of person. In fact me and the kids rarely stay home :) Sometimes I miss my career and find myself wanting more to do! (crazy i know!) I get bored easily and I'm constantly trying to find something to fill our days and keep us busy. But sometimes during the moments when the three of us are just sitting in the floor playing together, it hits me. I am so blessed! I need not complain about anything because I get to spend my days being a mother to two little children that love me with all their little hearts. So today during the chaos and quiet moments, I'm thankful for each second I get to spend with the greatest little blessings God has given me.

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